Wagyu feeding results with the use of CLIMATE SAVERS FEED®
Wagyu is the Japanese beef cattle subspecies producing the most expensive beef in the world. In Europe, it is currently little-known, however, it has a high value in the gastronomy community. They live in Japan in pastures with dense grass and they receive special feed. The animals are kept among the most natural conditions possible, free range or at least in open-air runs.
Much attention is paid to the careful breeding of the subspecies, during which NOT the quantity of the offspring is the primary purpose, but mainly the production of quality offspring. The cows able to deliver calves of outstanding meat quality are selected. In the feeding of the Wagyu, the provision of the quality basic feed is indispensable.
The feeding of the breeding animals with the Climate Savers Feed® is a profitable investment, as a result of which the genetic potential of the subspecies can be achieved and additionally, the breeding animals are healthy and have high level of immunity.

The breeding results able to be achieved by the Climate Savers Feed® are confirmed by the results of the ITTEREM Zrt. The single pure-bred Wagyu stock in Hungary can be found in Vasad. In their feeding, the application of the Climate Savers Feed® is dominant, as a result of which they are able to produce beef of superior quality within a shorter time.
The Hungarian top gastronomy is just exploring the Wagyu beef products produced by the ITTEREM Zrt., however, many famous chefs praised the quality of the Hungarian Wagyu.
PATAKY Péter, the creative chef of the Ikon restaurant and the co-owner of the Meatology became a real fan of the renewed Hungarian Wagyu. He did not even fall in love into the Japanese style itself regarding the basic material, but the clean taste and the steak experiences he found at the first test roasting: “As regards taste, this is highly the best steak in my life. This is the number one in the top chart, it is followed by three gaps and any other beef can come only afterwards. Since he tasted it, he is looking for these features in the other steaks. He thinks that this can be felt, if one tastes any of the top wines of SZEPSY István and starts to compare everything to it. He already tasted fantastic aged steak of Hungarian Simmental cattle, red and black Angus, Omaha, South-American and North-American beefs, but none of them was able produce such an expressive and clear beef taste. This meat is good not because it is Wagyu, but because the cattle is kept with outstanding care among good conditions. It receives very high quality feed, it grazes medicinal herbs and not the meat production is the most important for its keepers, but the meat quality. By the way, it is Wagyu” – told the chef. This means only that the subspecies has the possibility to be the best possible and to make the most of it.”
Source: Chef & PINCÉR gastronomy magazine, January 2018