Sheep feeding results with the use of CLIMATE SAVERS FEED®
- Our feed is easily accepted by the animals and after a short time, they are expressly looking for the Climate Savers Feed®.
- The appetite of the animals increases, therefore, they take up more dry matter mainly from the fibre-based feeds.
- The daily feed production cost decrease may be as much as 30%.
- The condition of the animal becomes balanced.
- The increased milk production is maintained by the animals for a longer time and their persistence becomes much longer.
- The content value of the milk changes, therefore, the cheese yield percentage significantly increases during the production of dairy products (cheese yield: 1 kg of soft cheese from 5 litres of milk).
- The reproduction biology data are better and spontaneous oestrus can be observed for the animals. In the Harkakötöny stock, 85-90% of the ewes heated and became pregnant without induced oestrus.
- The vitality of the lambs is higher, they can be weaned earlier and with a higher body mass.
- Their general health condition improves

As about 95% of the revenue of the sheep sector comes from the lambs for slaughter, it is a fundamental aim in all sheep farms to raise the born lambs with the least possible loss, economically and efficiently. The Climate Savers Feed® establishes a suitable basis for the achievement of these purposes.
The Climate Savers Feed® produced by us for the high-quality fibres and grains produced by you is perfectly suitable for the fattening of lambs, as a result of which:
- Our feed is easily accepted by the animals and after a short time, they are expressly looking for it.
- The appetite of the animals increases, therefore, they take up more dry matter.
- The daily feed production cost decrease can reach even 30%.
- The daily weight gain increases, thus, they reach the intended weight earlier.
- The stock becomes healthy and their development becomes homogeneous and uniform.
Watch the movie below where our partners report the results achievable with the Climate Savers Feed®.