Beef cattle feeding results with the use of CLIMATE SAVERS FEED®
The precondition of the successful beef cattle husbandry is the reasonable accommodation to the local conditions. Our aim is the production of quality beef cattle, but only in a profitable way. Nowadays the possibilities of beef cattle keeping based on pastures are finite.
- Mostly due to area limitations, which are worsened by the draughts becoming more frequent as a consequence of climate change.
- In the degraded pastures the physical condition of the cows is rapidly worsening and the fattening period of the beef cattle is increasing.
- The efficiency of the insemination of cows also decreases.

More intensive calf growth results in weaning 2-3 months earlier, as the daily weight gain of the calves is significantly higher. The finishing period of the fattening animals may be shortened by as many as 6-10 months.
The feeding of the breeding stock with the Climate Savers Feed® reaches the maximum genetic potential characteristic of the subspecies. The breeding stock is healthy and has high immunity. All the ones above show a profitable investment confirmed by the highly-rated breeding heifers and the breeding bulls with outstanding STV (own performance test) results.
The Climate Savers Feed® can be applied both in extensive grazing and in feed-lot systems.