About our company

As a veterinarian, I have been dealing with the feeding of ruminants for more than 20 years.
Our company dealing with feed production and consultancy on feeding was incorporated in Szeghalom in 1994 with the name of HELVÉCIA PROTEIN TRADE. These times, together with the new owner at that time, I tried to achieve higher yields with bypass protein and energy preparations in a dairy farm operating in poor conditions. By involving one of my outstanding professors, dr. HEGEDŰS Mihály, these experiments produced impressive results within a relatively short time.
Multiple test feedings were performed, some of which showed outstanding results compared to the older results and with an average milk production increase exceeding as many as 30 litres for certain animals. However, that time we did not really understand the scientific background of the high production results achieved in this way. During my research on the reason of the outstanding production results, I underwent a paradigm shift during the continuous developments. This paradigm shift resulted in completely new solutions both in terms of biology and technology and in a completely new feed supplement, which was patented in 2013 with the name of Climate Savers Feed®.
Dr. KÁDÁR Gyula Owner,
managing director
Our policy
Profit can be produced only with healthy animals and feeds of natural basis.
- The paradigm shift in the production of silage, pre-wilted silage and roughage is important. In the field of the production of roughage it shall be pointed out that emphasis should be put primarily on quality instead of quantity.
- Food safety starts with the selection of the reliable and quality feeds.
- During feeding, it is inevitable to monitor the stock, therefore, the condition of the animals are continuously and increasingly monitored. The domino-like succession of the sets of biological systems, such as the rumen function, the health status, the metabolic processes, the reproduction biology, the bringing up of heifers, the forage and the keeping conditions are all in close relationship with each other. If any of them is injured, the whole production may be destroyed. In the interest of the health of the animals, these systems must be harmonised.
The understanding of the problems restraining profitability and production is difficult due to the relationships and the complexity of the different biological systems. This is why experienced consultants are necessary who can be judged by the producers on the basis of the results achieved.
You can also rely on the consultancy system of the HELVÉCIA PROTEIN TRADE Kft., as our aim is to help the producers serving the continuously increasing needs to find their way in the labyrinth of production. We show a way to achieve an economical production level with one of its pillars, the Climate Savers Feed®.
Our Services
- Making recipes and optimising the daily feed dose based on on-site surveys.
- Consultancy on feeding, discussion of the questions and problems arisen.
- Continuous monitoring of the animals and the production data.
- Managing the laboratory tests, measurement and analysis of the content value of feeds.
- Contact with the farms using our products.
- Increase in production is not the direct aim of the feeding by Helvécia. Our aim is clearly to achieve healthy animals and healthy stock and exclusively this is the reason of the high production data or in certain cases the peak production achieved by us.
- The complete serving and the healthy feeding of the animals and therefore to produce products of outstanding quality.
- Making the physiological processes of the ruminants more efficient via our feeds.
- The basis of the profitable animal production is the professional feeding and the result of professional feeding is the better milk and meat quality, the higher milk production and the weight gain.
- The increasing liquidity means more new investment possibilities, which is at the same time the preservation of competitiveness. This is made possible only by extra profit.
- Sustainable crop, animal and food production.
- The radical decrease of the polluting effect of ruminants better and better known and more and more repeated worldwide via feeding to save the liveability of the Earth.
With the application of the Climate Savers Feed®, economic losses posing a heavy burden on the economies of the Earth can be avoided. Additionally, it decreases the methane emission of ruminants by as much as 60-70% facilitating thereby the fight against global warming.
“Now it is more and more obvious that environmental protection is the common cause of all of us in the world…
Maybe it is a small step we can take together with the farmers keeping ruminants against global warming, but we must take this step…”
Dr. Kádár Gyula