Today there are almost 2 billion livestock units of ruminants on the Earth, about 400 million livestock units of which are dairy animals, including cattle, buffalos, camels, sheep and goats. The rest of the ruminants are kept for breeding or meat production purposes, however, there are other utilisations as well, such as holy animals and draught animals.

These ruminants emit a global 95-100 million tons of methane to the atmosphere each year. (FAO, 2016)

Considering the ones above this means that a single dairy animal loses 1-2 kg grain’s worth of fodder each day due to its methane emission. In case of fattening animals, this ratio is even worse.

At the same time, if we were to compensate for the energy loss due to the 95-100 million tons of annual methane emission from pastures only, this would require 800 million hectares of pastures. As a global 1 billion animals are fed on produces from arable lands, out of this area, ruminant methane production requires 100 million hectares of arable land.

The energy lost by the ruminants in the form of methane and therefore the majority of this gargantuan area could be saved. In this way, the production indices could be significantly improved and the huge environmental pollution effect could be efficiently decreased.

We developed a practical solution to this which makes it possible to reduce these losses by 60-70%. Also this is why the feed (and feeding technology) developed by us in 2010 got the name Climate Savers Feed®.

What could be the benefit of the Climate Savers Feed® for the countries playing an important role in global animal husbandry?

  • first of all, 60-70% decrease in the methane emission for each animal
  • Real and efficient improvement in climate protection, together with livestock farmers.
  • much better global utilisation of arable land the area of which cannot be increased, which could mean about 10-15% more crop land or 10-15% more pasture.
  • global saving of 600-800 million tons of grain fodder’s worth of feed or about double the amount of pasture grass.
  • Significant production increase for slaughter animals and milk production
  • overall, significantly lower environmental load damaging the highly sensitive and complex living system of the Earth due to agriculture.


Additionally, with this feed, there is at least 60-70% less climate damaging rumen gas emission produced than by animals fed on traditional feed.

In case of applying our feed for more than a year, measurements show a possible decrease of 20% in methane emission compared to the animals fed on the traditional feed.

Depending on the circumstances, the additional energy per animal to be used on food conversion is 15-30 MJ a day.

This excess energy for a single dairy cow gives 5-15 litres higher milk yield a day – practically for free.

In the case of beef cattle, this excess energy for a single fattening animal means 0.5–1.5 kg of extra weight gain a day – practically for free.

As a further beneficial effect of the feed, less harmful substances get into the body of the animals, thus, they become healthier and their useful life is more than double than that of the animals fed on traditional feed.

In a stock of 1000 animals, up to 300-900 tons of corn can be saved a year. 60-70% less impact on the climate and 20-50% more production per litre of milk or kg of meet produced – practically for free.


The animals consuming Climate Savers Feed® require 20-30% less area of arable land to produce a unit of milk or meat.

  • Due to the saving in energy, there is a saving of 10-15% in land area.
  • A saving of further 10-15% area is attributed to the excess yield that requires no additional area.

A cow feeding on traditional feed requires an arable land area of 1.65 hectares a year to produce 10,000 litres of milk. However, cows feeding on Climate Savers Feed® require only 1.25 hectares a year, which means a saving of 0.4 hectares a year for each animal.

Even under non-ideal circumstances, a saving of at least 0.15 hectares a year for each animal can be achieved, which is still a significant result.

It makes a significant difference that a dairy farm with 1000 cows and 10,000 litres of milk yield per cow needs about 400 hectares less area for the production of an annual 10 million litres of milk.

To sum up, with the application of the Climate Savers Feed®, the requirement of the animals for arable land is reduced by 20-30% yearly.

The question is whether the farmers opt for the Climate Savers Feed® only due to its environmental protection effect.

The favourable impact on the environment in itself may not be sufficient to convince the farmers. As emphasised above, however, the use of Climate Savers Feed® also results in a significant production increase of up to 20-50%. These facts must definitely be enough to convince the farmers regarding the method.